Visit our Location
13101 Paul J Doherty Parkway #210
Opening Hours
Mon - Thur: 8AM - 6PM
Fri: 8AM - 12PM

Causes & Symptoms

Hip, knee and ankle pain, also known as joint pain, can be caused by many different factors. Joint pain can range from minor irritations like joint stiffness, numbness & tingling and swelling to debilitating pain.

Common causes of joint pain:

  • Bursitis
  • Degenerative Hip
  • Patella Tendonitis
  • Osgood-Schlatters Disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sprain or Strain
  • Swelling or Inflammation
  • Tendinitis or Tendon Inflammation


Each joint pain treatment plan is different, our doctors will do a thorough evaluation of your symptoms and possible causes to determine treatment options.  The most common treatments for joint pain are Laser Therapy, Myofascial Release and Neuromuscular Reeducation (NMR). Prior to leaving, a doctor may recommend activities to be conducted at home such as ice/heat application, avoidance of certain activities or positions, as well as home exercises and/or stretches to aid in your recovery.