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How Long Do You Have To See a Doctor After an Auto Accident?

You might not feel too bad immediately after an auto accident. Some pain takes days, even years, to develop. In fact, chiropractic care is based on the concept that the actual source of pain might not be immediately obvious. So how long can you wait before seeing a doctor?

Florida’s Unique Rule

In Florida, this question has been answered by the courts. The 14 Day Rule, a law that’s unique to the state, requires that accident victims seek initial medical care within 14 days of an accident.

Failing to do so impacts your ability to fight for damages or to use insurance coverage. Treatment sought after two weeks will be flatly denied by insurance companies. Injured motorists are finding there is no flexibility on this timeframe.

Car Crash

Why Two Weeks?

In Florida’s case, the 14-day limit was imposed to severely minimize the risk of insurance fraud. Open-timeframe claims for medical issues created rampant abuse. People could wait many years before claiming injuries, and by that time, it was hard to prove anything.

In general, time limits on initial doctor’s visits encourage speedy medical care. They also prevent auto accidents from becoming time-consuming drags on the insurance and judicial systems.

A Common Situation

Say you’re in an auto accident but you’re not sure whether you’ll end up with long-term issues as a result. You feel a bit achy, and maybe your lower back gets a twinge every now and then, but it doesn’t seem like a huge deal. Should you really seek immediate care?

In a word, yes. The best solution is to seek a medical evaluation immediately — especially in Florida. Beyond just protecting yourself legally, and making sure you can use your insurance, you want to absolutely rule out damage and take urgent steps to prevent chronic problems.

SOS Chiropractic

In the days and weeks following an accident, your body begins to heal and form scar tissue. Inflammation and stiffness become more noticeable. Whiplash, which didn’t seem too bad the first day, develops into ongoing muscle soreness. Headaches and neck pain can indicate an undiagnosed concussion. Suddenly, your fingers and toes feel tingly or numb.

These are all indications that your body is struggling with trauma. Don’t wait to address it.

Who Should You See?

What if you can’t get an appointment? If you’re not a current patient of a general practitioner, or if you’re new to town, you might wait months for a first visit. Should you risk the cost of going to a hospital emergency room?

You can, but it’s not your only option. Chiropractors are on the official list of providers you can see for an initial medical evaluation, along with medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy, emergency doctors, hospitals, walk-in clinics, and dentists.

If you’re involved in a vehicle collision, seek a medical evaluation sooner rather than later. Chiropractic care can address the effects of auto accidents, so you can get back on the road to health.

Contact SOS Chiropractic to learn more about what to do after an accident.