Visit our Location
13101 Paul J Doherty Parkway #210
Opening Hours
Mon - Thur: 8AM - 6PM
Fri: 8AM - 12PM

Drop Table Adjustment, also known as the Thompson Technique, is a chiropractic technique that uses a specialized, Segmental Drop Table to perform easy and smooth adjustments.  Drop Tables have sections that can be raised up to be dropped, between 1 to 2 inches, allowing gravity to assist the adjustment

Drop Table Adjustments are typically used for lower back problems including sciatica, disc injuries and herniation. They can also be used to adjust the mid back and neck. This technique is especially effective for patients with acute lower back injuries or muscle spasms and elderly patients.

What to Expect

During your Drop Table Adjustment, our doctors will adjust the various sections of the table to target the specific joint or tissue in need of an adjustment.  Our doctors will then apply a gentle thrust to the joints, which sets the drop pieces into motion, in turn causing that section of the body to drop too.