Visit our Location
13101 Paul J Doherty Parkway #210
Opening Hours
Mon - Thur: 8AM - 6PM
Fri: 8AM - 12PM

Causes & Symptoms

The median nerve, which controls movement and feeling in the fingers,  runs from the forearm into the palm of the hand, through a narrow space in the wrist called the carpal tunnel.  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) occurs when there is pressure on median nerve from swelling or being compressed or pinched.  The symptoms of CTS may be pain, weakness, numbness or tingling in the hand and wrist..

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be caused by:

  • Repetitive movements of the wrist
  • Injury
  • Illness
  • Pregnancy


In most cases, a Chiropractic adjustment to the affected area is an extremely effective solution. In some cases, a Chiropractic manipulation of the neck and/or spine can also serve as an effective treatment option. Chiropractic treatments, along with Laser Therapy, physical therapy, stretching, and strengthening exercises, can in most cases effectively alleviate and eventually eliminate the symptoms associated with CTS.